Use "granted him her favors|grant him her favor" in a sentence

1. They load him with favors.

2. Her love for him blinded her .

3. Her questions aggravate him.

4. Her moods exasperated him.

5. Her beauty captivated him.

6. Her comeliness overwhelmed him.

7. The gods favor him.

8. Li Yuan ... How her heart ached to see him now; to have him hold her and comfort her.

9. Her quiet lucidity startled him, but did not mislead him into thinking her insensible.

10. Her beauty and her soul alike enthralled him.

11. Her father threw her into prison for her treachery to him.

12. Her dark eyes flayed him.

13. Her discomfort amused him greatly.

14. She proffered him her resignation.

15. Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.

16. Her docility had surprised him.

17. You let her take him?

18. Her honesty got to him.

19. Her angry words jolted him.

20. Her discomfort Amused him greatly

21. Her beauty captured him instantly.

22. And when he had done with her, she could wipe him from her mind, obliterate him.

23. He pulled her to him, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead.

24. Her caustic remark gave him a foretaste of her anger.

25. I'm tired of seeing him Browbeat her into agreeing with him

26. The nurse saw him falter and made him lean on her.

27. Sue grabbed him, screeching, and started hitting him with her fists.

28. She jabbed him with her elbow.

29. Even though you've him, her, me

30. I saw him wink at her.

31. Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.

32. She expressed her dissatisfaction with him.

33. Her cheap, Cloying scent enveloped him

34. She's got him under her thumb.

35. She gave him her heartfelt thanks.

36. Her rejection dashed and humiliated him.

37. Her liveliness and wit impressed him.

38. Her love for him is enshrined forever in her poetry.

39. After her death, she still could not be with him, rise with him. Her idolatrous love to him had made Jesus' face obscured, she would not recognize her Savior.

40. She turned her back on him.

41. She told him all her woes.

42. Her love for him was genuine.

43. Mary bewitched him with her smile.

44. I'm tired of seeing him Browbeat her into agreeing with him.

45. 24 Her flippant tone irked him.

46. She dragged him down with her.

47. I informed him of her arrival.

48. Her love for him was unrequited.

49. Her silence infuriated him even more.

50. She twined her arms round him.

51. Her youth and beauty besotted him.

52. She acknowledged him as her heir.

53. She affiliated her child to him.

54. Her constant nagging drove him away.

55. Her trust in him was unfounded.

56. She pushed her face towards him.

57. Her green eyes surveyed him coolly.

58. He coaxed her into letting him take her to the cinema.

59. The thought of him touching her filled her with deep loathing.

60. She beat off her attacker by hitting him with her handbag.

61. Her job was to refIne him, to help him build his practice.

62. The magistrate granted / refused him bail.

63. They granted him permission to go.

64. The genie granted him three wishes.

65. Can we earn God's favor by worshipping Him or believing in Him?

66. The firm granted him a pension.

67. The Pope granted him an audience.

68. She crooked her finger to Beckon him

69. Her Beauty and Amiability won upon him

70. She rubbed her naked body on him.

71. Skewer him and leave her to rot.

72. She gave him her best winsome smile.

73. 4 Her wretchedness made him feel miserable.

74. Her harsh words stung him into action.

75. She killed him to satisfy her greed.

76. She swallowed her pride and phoned him.

77. She tilted her chin at him defiantly.

78. Newspaper gossip had prejudiced her against him.

79. His infatuation blinded him to her faults.

80. 5 Mary bewitched him with her smile.